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Children have higher chances of developing some type of allergy than adults, especially food allergies. An allergy is an immune reaction in the body that occurs whenever an individual inhales, ingests or touches an allergen...
Depression and allergies may just go hand in hand. One does not necessarily cause the other, but people that suffer from depression are also more likely to suffer from allergies as well...
Dermatosis includes an array of skin diseases, characterized by persistent allergic symptoms like blistering, itching, inflammation and desquamation of the skin. The causes of dermatosis are still controversial, but they may include...
A recent study published in one of the best medical journals on allergies alerts that children who were subjected to the presence of a dog or a cat.....
Nearly all drugs can cause allergies to certain individuals. Allergic reactions to most medications are not common and may be severe...
Dust mites are the main cause of dust allergies. They are tiny beings that live in humid, or not, dusty places such as carpets, sofas, rugs, and curtains. ..
Egg allergy is the body’s allergic reaction against a protein found in egg whites. The main factors in egg whites that cause allergy are ovalbumin, ovomucoid, and conalbumin...
Exercise, especially when intense, can trigger episodes of acute asthma or anaphylaxis. Learn more about its risks, symptoms and treatments...
Eye allergies can be caused by various reasons. Some of them include: presence of microorganisms that cause conjunctivitis, wind, makeup unfit for use because itsn't specific for the eyes or has an outdated expiration date...
Some children have allergy to gelatin due to the presence of large quantities of food dyes in most gelatin brands...
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